
Accueil > Anglais > Dossiers thématiques > Countries > The United States > Black history in the US > Slavery then and now

Slavery then and now

vendredi 20 mars 2015, par Élisabeth PRÉVOST-KABORÉ

Le 10 mai est la Journée nationale des mémoires de la traite, de l’esclavage et de leurs abolitions
Quelques ressources pour cette commémoration, qui peuvent aussi être utilisée e avec les ressources du dossier "From slavery to Obama"

Page mise à jour le 03/02/2017

Slavery then

- Ressources pour l’enseignement de l’histoire des esclavages et de leurs abolitions
Eduscol, essentiellement en direction des professeurs d’histoire et géographie, mais également quelques ressources en anglais.

The Inspection and sale of a slave, Brantz Mayer, 1854 (Wikimedia Commons)

- Focus on the slave trade (BBC News article, 2001)

"Between 10 and 28 million people taken from Africa

17 million Africans sold into slavery on the coast of the Indian Ocean, the Middle East, and North Africa

12 million Africans taken to the Americas

5 million Africans taken across the Sahara and East Africa into slavery in other parts of the world"

- Slavery by another name, (video, 1h23)
Based on Douglas A. Blackmon’s Pulitzer Prize-winning book, the film illuminates how in the years following the Civil War, insidious new forms of forced labor emerged in the American South, persisting until the onset of World War II.
Film intégral, making of et ressources

Slavery today

- This map shows where the world’s 30 million slaves live. There are 60,000 in the U.S. (Washington Post)
Carte et article détaillé.

Global slavery mapped (interactive map , The Guardian, 2013)
Modern day slavery directly affects 29 million people in the world today - that’s according to a new index which has sought to look at this empirically by measuring the prevalence of slavery by population, child marriage and human trafficking on a country by country basis.

Modern slavery

Document iconographique simple avec classement des pays en nombre d’esclaves et pourcentages.

- Slavery levels in UK ’higher than thought’ (BBC News, November 2014)
Article et vidéos

- New global index exposes ’modern slavery’ worldwide (BBC News, November 2014)
Article + vidéo